Guernsey Girl

By Katie_Bisson

Last Exam... For Another Year.

Today's Word: strenuous

Why did Maths have to become more than just the times tables?!

Tomorrow is my last exam for this year, and its probably the worst of all! Although it's one of my best subjects, its one of the most time consuming and effort filled exams to prepare for. But at least its easy to revise, with the amazing CGP revision guides. I have so much respect and gratitude for the people who wrote this thing. It's got me through lots of exams! They're brilliant, they really are. They put little terrible jokes at the bottom of every page, just to keep you going, and they really do!

I swear I spent more time wanting to arrange my practise papers for this photograph than wanting to do any revision at all.. But here's to Maths. Woo..

And in answer to my question above... Without opening your mind to discovering what more there is to discover, you'll spend your life asking the worst question of all. "what if..."

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