
By TrishaR

Schoolboy Ben

This is the third day of the P1 class being at school for the full day, till 3.15 and staying for school dinners.  Needless to say Ben is shattered by 6pm and he is quite wild at times.  He did want his photo taken, but decided to add a bit of attitude himself while posing at the gate.  His big brother got take here five years ago, but he stood nice!  I got this one standing quite nice then the others were a spiderman type shot, trying to climb the wall (see extras). 

After three weeks he is settling in well.  Has some letters homework but there is much play type work in the classroom, which is right as they are still young.  I think in Scandi countries they don't start P1 till they are 7.  I think this is a great idea, they just seem so young to be stuck in a classroom all day and their natural exuberance curtailed.... 

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