peace... tumbling turquoise water, tall trees and glacier carved mountains coming together in Glacier National Park.
The American portion of the Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park which extends up into Canada,GNP covers1600 sq miles ranging between 3,15' and 10,466' at the summit of Mount Cleveland.
Traversed west to east by the gorgeously named Going-to-the-Sun Road carrying trippers across the Continental Divide in iconic red buses (extra) the slightly more intrepid (us) take hikes on the Cedars Nature Trail (us) and the very intrepid (busily checking gear) carry packs, poles, bear spray and GoPros  and head off into the wilderness for several days.

White snowberries cluster on bushes and on the Cedar Trail, cedar, hemlock and cottonwood trees grow tall and old in still and quiet air and straggling beneath them are Pacific Yews.
Providing food for deer they also contain a compound synthesized as a chemotherapy of those I had last year! An unexpected and humbling encounter.

After dinner  washed down by...yes...Wild Huckleberry Wheat lager brewed with glacier water and flavoured with hand picked huckleberries  and tucked up in bed in the MacDonald Motel, rain falls again.
This time tapping on a roof and day two ends with a roll of thunder drums across mountain skies.

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