
This is exactly how my phone took Suki as she came in through the cat flap....

A confusing day as regards wheelie collection. We had a leaflet delivered a few days ago saying wheelie collections were to be changed. For the uninitiated the Black wheelie bin is household refuse, the Brown wheelie bin is garden refuse...then there is all these other different bags etc for recycling.

The leaflet they gave us the new outlined collection dates for this Thursday and the rest of the year.

Black wheelie is collected one week and Brown wheelie the next, and so on, on the opposite weeks they were collected on before.

Brown wheelie was last week so it should have been Black wheelie today, except we had the revised dates as I said above, and this said Brown wheelie for today instead.

However attached to the year's amended dates was a slip of paper saying yet another amendment to the new dates for said there was to be no collection at all today and we would lose one Black wheelie collection this month, but next week would be Brown wheelie and the following would be Brown wheelie and then a Black Wheelie.

Last night, (usually they are put out the night before) no one had put any wheelies out...well the amended leaflet to the amendment did say no collection today and that we were going to lose one week of collections.

This morning there were some houses who put out Black wheelies, some houses who put out Brown Wheelies, and some houses who hedged their bets by putting both Brown and Black wheelies out.

I didn't put either of mine out, after all there was supposed to be no collection at all today for any wheelie, only the recycle in the bags would be collected.

I went in and then came out in the afternoon because I was going somewhere in the car. Suddenly the bin wagon came into our road and drove to the bottom. So I waited to see what it was going to collect if anything.

It started collecting the rubbish from the Black Wheelies, so I shot in and wheeled my Black wheelie bin on to the pavement. I had already filled it just in case!

I heard this afternoon that there has been very strong words from householders to the bin wagon men over all this confusion. Which is a bit mean isn't it? After all they must be told at the depot to take a particular type of wagon out to collect a particular type of rubbish for a particular area. So why shout at them?

I expect total confusion the rest of this month. I shall probably doing hedging my bets strategy for the next few weeks...

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