Root Beer

A strange picture for Blip but an interesting one.

When I was 14 years old I read a novel " No Star is Lost" by an American author called Sinclair Lewis,  It covered tenement life in New York, amongst the mainly  Catholic section of the community. It was a riveting book and I couldn't put it down. Numerous mentions of  "Root Beer" kept cropping up and I couldn't imagine what it could be. I have kept seeing it in print and hearing of it ever since, until a few days ago, when I saw this bottle on the shelf at our local ASDA (Walmart) store for the first time.

Now, to the Blippers living in the US, it's no mystery at all but I delighted in my first taste of it and it's delicious:)

I shall buy more now:)

For anyone more curious....have a  SQIZZ

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