
By Marlytyz

Campsite at night

As someone who normally views holidays as the opportunity to be pampered, my first ever experience of camping in the camper van was quite an eye opener.  We arrived at a small site in Dorset quite late in the evening having taken a while to drive there.  I have to say I was impressed.  The campsite was small with superb views over the countryside. I don't know why but I had imagined there would be communal showers much like the ones we used to have at school. In fact, the showers were individual, powerful and clean  

There was a little gate at the end of the field that led to the coastal footpath through a farm and  on to a gorgeous beach.  

Getting into bed proved bit of a mission as it was necessary to scale the back of the seats and haul yourself up.  That was all very well until I needed to get out in the night.  "How do I get down?" I asked the husband. "Just go down backwards" he mumbled.  Of course, there was nothing to hold on to and I plummeted on to the floor shattering the dogs' sleep in the process.  I then spent the rest of the night in a state of anxiety as to how I was going to get down again in the morning.  Of course,  in daylight it was relatively easy. 

Waking up and watching the sunrise through the window and then cooking the requisite bacon and eggs with the door open made me realise the appeal of camping.  

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