Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Little charmers

I saw these little charmers on my morning walk. Actually there was a family of 8 of them hunkered down on the riverbank, with Mum standing guard and Dad patrolling the water. What good parents! These 2 tiddlers suddenly saw something on the opposite side of the river - I love the light in their little bright eyes.

It's interesting (to me, at least) that the 2 ducklings are such different sizes. I wonder if one is male and the other female? Or is the smaller one the runt of the litter - doesn't look very runt-like, though the neck is so small and fragile!

The swans are also back again, alas with no babies! I think they might be trying again, though it seems very late. They lounge around the path and hiss at passing runners. Selfishly, I wish so many people didn't run in the nature reserve - they disturb the wildlife and create blipping problems. Still, at least they value the place, which I guess is important.

Well, that's my coffee break - work beckons. Have a good day, y'all!

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