Friday Foto

By drmackem

The Badger Stone

To go for a run on the moor was the law today, such was weather, warm but not stuffy, blue skys and clouds to make a blipper weep.

I ran out to the Badger Stone, usually I run past but today thought it deserved blip treatment.

Now being a late arrival in Ilkley, I've assumed this to be called the Badger Stone because to some person in antiquity after drinking or inhaling the wrong substance it took on the appearance of a Badger. I suppose it could just has likely have been called the slug stone but that probably wouldn't have caught on.

Having photo'd it it seemed polite to do a bit of research and it's got nothing to do with Badgers (or indeed slugs). I knew that the cup and ring markings which are on lots of the rocks up here date back to the iron age, but didn't know that the title Badger dates back to medieval times, probably much before and refers to "a corn dealer, corn miller or miller's man". The next stone of note up on the moor is Cowpers cross where it is thought a market was held in the middle ages to replace one nearby (possibly here).

Other interesting thoughts from those who seem to know, is that it is likely back in the day that the stone would have been painted, and the markings would have been part of decoration. The Badger men were the grain traders and there are other badger stones and indeed a Badger Gate in Wilsden over the other beyond Bingley.

Anyway back to the photo, what I learned today was that the best time to take photo of the rock carvings is early morning and late evening, when the sun is higher the markings are difficult to see. So a mono conversion, a bit of a tweak with the highlights and shadows. You can make out some the cups marking - small indentations, and a couple of the rings. The clouds today were like a gift from the blipgods, so given that I'd sacrficed the blue sky and white fluffiness of it all, a post process grad filter just for the drama of it all. Not that I'm ever dramatic usually.

Oh and England won - the agony continues - Italy on Sunday Giacomo - normal relationship to be reinstated next monday - for now you are the enemy.

PS on the horizon to the left are the white orbs of a little bit of america on UK soil, and US Air Force base with no planes where they appear to make very large golf balls.

PPS to the right of the stone is a seat in memory of a now deceased couple who I suspect loved the otherwise barren bit of the moor - on days like today I have to agree with them.

PPPS massive thank you for you kind comments, hearts and stars for yesterdays blip, your loveliness has quite made my day.

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