
By willllwynbedw

It is Thursday!!

But no Burgundy's in Kendal!

Last night it was the last night of the French walking group in Inverness and after a bit of negotiation with Miari the barmaid we had arranged a haggis supper for all and...mon Dieu ...it was a big success

Afterwards we went toHootenanny, the Inverness venue for Scottish music and there they were a great group of fiddlers, guitarists, accordionists and flautists reeling away to a packed bar.

The challenge was how could I do a bit of sketching as there was very little space.  I eventually backed onto a wall and started sketching but my first attempt of a beautiful fiddler had to be abandoned as she got up and left!!!  Fortunately the two on the corner table also left so at last I had a seat!

And then this flautist caught my eye.....and more than that I thought I recognised him as someone I had worked with back in the early 1980's. And I was right so no doubt....he was the next target!!!  and the accordion player just in front of me came into the sketch for more depth and I was inspired by the curve of her cheek and the whisps of hair, the necklace, the accordion strap etc etc !!!

What a great night and the sheer pleasure not just of me in total admiration of their talent but of many of them wanting to see the sketch....including  Andrew , my long lost friend ......and the beautiful lady with the lovely cheekline!  

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