Day 16

4279km's later and forget the cup of tea, it was time to celebrate with my Big Brother, Big Al and my sister-in-law Jill.  It was a wonderful welcome and it's just so fantastic to be home again.  There's absolutely nothing like family and today was very, very special.

We reached the Indian Ocean just after lunch.  We took a slight diversion as we journeyed in from Merredin this morning.  I was keen for CCN to see the very historical town of York.  York was one of the first towns established inland of Perth.  I have posted an image of the very ornate town hall as an extra.  After a quick lunch and a whirlwind tour of the town we hopped into "minimo" knowing that our next stop would mean we had MADE IT!!

Our drive today was once again a joy as we had another feast of wildflowers along the way.  I had been telling CCN about the beautiful blue Leschenaultia.  It's one of my favourite wildflowers.  "You'll know it when you see it", I said.  "It will just jump out at you"......And it did.  I have posted an extra image that I took through the car window with my iPhone.  There it was minding its own business beside a field of Canola.  From that point on we saw bush after bush of it.  

On our way to Big Al's I took CCN through Kings Park, just to wet her appetite for the incredible display of wildflowers that are in the park at the moment.  We have decided to wait until after the weekend as over the next two days you won't be able to move for people, so watch this space :-)

Day 16.....Merredin to Perth via York.....279kms
Total Travelled.....4294km's and we're here - YIPPEE!!

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