A People Friday .

What a fabulous day.I got information from the British Library Archives in London .
This resulted in a bike ride to  the Hulme and Trafford Area .On my way I cycled behind a couple .It always gives the romantic in me a buzz to see people of all ages holding hands. Such behaviour is not the perogative of the young .I did actually speak to the people and say how they had made my day.He joked and his wife told me how she loved him as much today as she did when they wed 51years ago .On then through Hulme, an area which has been improved and where I stopped to blip the huge mosaic depicting life moving forward .The background of my collage is the part showing very early days in Manchester. Back riding and soon at my destination . My paternal Grandmother's house .I knocked on the door .The thrill of seeing it open took me back years.I explained why and the man, rather new to the area so  clearly never knew my Grandmother referred me to next door where I met Peter the gentleman in the blue and white shirt . He was wonderful , invited me in , having first locked my bike away in his garden , made me a drink and we exchanged details .His mother had  known my Gran and he too recalled her. Peter is 86 years young , tall , straight and just back from the Isle of Man with his motor bike ! He goes each year .What an example .He does photography too .Communication is everything and very easy in this city As the poet said "No man is an island" and when we speak to others how true these words ring. My extra sums up Manchester .It is a part of the Mural .Here is a link to this amazing work to which my camera could never do justice

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