Jansjos and a Bekvam

As soon as I arrived home from work, MrM drove us in the direction of Gateshead. He needed some magnetic knife holders and storage containers for his workshop, among other things, so a trip to that famous Swedish store seemed in order.

It should have been a straightforward journey. However, MrM had decided that he needed some tools from another shop too. But he couldn't remember exactly where it's located, and took a wrong turn - so we crawled along in heavy traffic on a long tour of the suburbs of Newcastle. Oh joy!

Eventually, we gave up searching for said shop and headed for the Swedish store. A rush to get round before closing time, but we managed to find most of the items we needed and, inevitably, a few other things too. Time for bed by the time we got home...

Must assemble that Bekvam one evening next week!

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