Delicious Decadence/Decadent Deliciousness

I could have shared photos of luscious vegetables and beautiful flowers from the farmers' market, but instead, I bring you Stuffed French Toast, which I had for brunch today after the market. 

Phil and I hadn't been to The Copper Hog for quite a while, so there were several new menu items that appealed to me. I intended to order a small glass of beer and the Roasted Heirloom Carrot Salad (roasted carrots tossed in Moroccan spices, avocado, and a citrus dressing)... but then the Stuffed French Toast caught my eye.

Instead of inferior white bread, there was Avenue Bread's French baguette -- layered with bacon-infused cream cheese, bacon jam, bourbon maple syrup, and bacon powder, topped with more bacon. How could I resist?

That's a half order in the photo, more than I should have eaten. Just imagine what a full order would look like!

And yes, I ate it all, other than a couple of bites I generously shared with Phil, and relished every morsel. Non, je ne regrette rien!

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