Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

I had a really bad night and after finally dosing off around 7am woke up clutching a killer headache and feeling all sorry for myself. Thankfully a bit of staring into space, a cuppa tea, some ibuprofen and a shower later the headache had finally eased off and I was ready to go visit MsInk. We haven't managed to have a proper catch-up for ages so it was lovely to just go and hang out, commiserate over our fibro-problems and cackle about mad stuff like a couple of stoners who don't need to actually get stoned to be spaced out ;)

My step taking didn't go brilliantly well today because I got a taxi to MsInk's (I'm not going to even attempt the hill she lives on - MsInkOfTheStupidlySteepHill!) and I was already quite late from all the staring into space and head clutching earlier. But I did walk up Victoria St out of the Grassmarket and got a bus from a stop later than I usually would, then got off a stop earlier so , you know, I did make a token gesture at walking before deciding I was much too tired and it was time for a nap.

Steps - 2632

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