
By samsticks

On Fire

Gina was up early to head to a full day Saturday statistics course. She was obviously not feeling particularly enthusiastic about this, particularly as we had a lovely visit from The Rosewarnes, who generously stopped by to have a chat about our deck. Miles was in a bit of a funny mood, but hopefully next time we'll have more time to chat and get the kids playing together!

Miles ran round the park for a while after that, which was great for him to let off some steam. During his nap, I got round to reviewing a paper that I'm co-author on from my old work, and then got on with the more fun work of thinking about my website (yes there should be one coming in the next few months).

Gina back in the fold, we went over to Johnny and Stacey's for some chips and dips (no beer for me!) and a fire before dinner.

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