Beamsley Beacon

We had an assignment for Writer's Group today, a short story taking the title of 'The Storm', but despite trying to make a start the previous evening I had nothing written at all when I woke up this morning. An idea did finally come to me and then the words just flowed under pressure of time. I even went over quota a little. Increasingly it seems, I need a very tight deadline in order to be able to deliver. It was a little rough around the edges when I read it out to the group but I enjoyed the experience nonetheless. I have a lot to learn when it comes to the art of story-telling. I would dearly love to improve. Reading to such an attentive group will certainly help. We actually attracted three new members today, making a total of nine attending in all. We all seem to take a great deal from these little gatherings, finding inspiration and building confidence together. The energy is rather wonderful. 

My plan was to go for a longish run in the afternoon but I was a little slow in getting going because I got sucked into the Davis Cup doubles match with the Murrays. It looked like they were going to win in four sets but then the Aussies came back to take it to a rollercoaster fifth. I found it impossible to leave before seeing the brothers take a famous victory.

Although it was late afternoon by the time I set off it was still warm. This was the summer evening that we never really had all summer. I took a steady run up Round Hill and then across to Beamsley Beacon in the most beautiful evening light, stopping often for photographs. I met a local farmer out to check on an owl she had spotted the other day and she confirmed what a strange summer it has been. It's been dry but very cool. She told me that things were about six weeks behind where they should be for this time of year. By the time I reached home it was pretty much dark and I was pretty much knackered. I was fit for nothing for the rest of the evening. It was really hard to imagine that I was once able to run all day long and finish in far better shape that I had tonight! 

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