THE BEST LAID SCHEMES ..............

The best laid schemes o' mice an' men
Gang aft a-gley.

Switched on computer this morning to find a Facebook message from Neil. He got to Kuala Lumpur Ok. However his flight from there to Colombo in Sri Lanka was delayed 5 hours. Which would mean that he would miss his connection to London. The passengers who were due to fly to Heathrow were to be put up in a hotel overnight and leave on the same flight but 24 hours later. So get to London on Friday instead of Thursday.

Neil's take on all this.........

" Hopefully I get a chance to have a look round Colombo tonight, though I have zero pence (or whatever colombo money is so can't do much. Not that bothered by it, bit of a inconvience and folk are getting stressed but as per I'm chilled, it'll be ok! "

So as he was booked on the Megabus for Friday and you can't change booking if its less than 24 hrs before travel... and they don't do refunds - ( my ) money is lost. However I have booked him on the Saturday 9am Megabus for only £9.50..... hope he makes it for that one!.

This afternoon I had another message from him.

" In Colombo, at some 5 star resort, its amazing :-) got a little group of fellow delayees and we're having a good time, chilling by the beach. hopefully flight should be a-ok tomorrow, least we have only 1 flight left and we are in the right city for it. Think we have dinner put on tonight which is good as I have 20 Australian dollars in the world and that is for my tube fare when I get to London.".

So he seems OK -- sort of. Life is never dull when you are Neil E.

Oh - my blip shows Valentino chilling out. Its chucking it down with rain today so I'm having an indoor day. Need to sort out Neil's room as while he has been gone it has been used as a bit of a " dumping ground" so it needs a bit of a sort out.

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