Mary Caroline

By marycaroline

Kenton & Katy

Another wonderful day.
I got a solid 3 hours of sleep. Woke up with thirty minutes to spare for getting ready. Went to a church to be a confirmation sponsor.
Sponsored it up.
Went to lunch at the Country Club with the Swatner clan. It was hilarious.
Came home and had a few attempts of blipping shoes and during those attempts Elle and Liz drove up to go to High School Musical. I wasn't answering my phone so they decided to just come pick me up.
We went to High School Musical III and it was very hard to take in. But ridiculous enough to have a lot of laughs.

I had two other photos, and this one isn't the best, but there is something about it that I want to keep documented. I think its all the different colors going on. I don't know, I just like it.

have a good one.

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