First Day of Autumn: Sunflowers in the Mist

We've had some wonderfully foggy mornings lately, and I've been trying to get out and see as much as possible, as quickly as possible, before the fog dissipates in the early mornings, just before I go to work.

On this spectacularly foggy morning, my adventures took me to the Arboretum, where I just knew something amazing would be waiting for me. (Why not? It always is!)

And I was rewarded by getting to visit the sunflowers - those marvelous, almost alien-like creatures - and see them against the mist. Hooray - I was delighted to discover the sunflowers are still at peak.

The bees are still going crazy over them, as am I. And against the fog, devoid of context or background, the sunflowers seemed more mysterious and otherworldly than ever.

It is my custom to provide a tune to accompany each of my images. And on this day, which is the first day of Autumn, it is also Bruce Springsteen's birthday. And so I'm including a tune by the Boss and friends. THIS, friends, is the land I choose to live in and I hope you will choose to live there with me too: Springsteen, with Land of Hope and Dreams.

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