
We seem to have been overrun with little critters of late.  Just feels like so much more that past years at the same time.  I got the usual comments of "They're just coming indoors out of the cold at this time of year."  Sounds logical, but I just looked it up.  Rather interesting and a bit of a myth.

Apparently indoor spiders live almost exclusively indoors and are only adapted to indoors conditions.  The spiders you see crawling about the house are usually the males looking for mates.  The female ones stay out the way.   I generally grab them and throw them outdoors preferring not to do the easy, stamp, wipe and dispose, but I read that they're actually so adapted to indoor environment that I'm effectively killing them by throwing them outside.

I had to do a purge of upstairs and managed this wee collection.  Some of them were rather impressive, but I figured I had to get visual evidence so that the human occupants of our abode felt more at ease going upstairs.

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