
.... A Katie and a monkey hiding under all that hair somewhere.

She had a busy day today. Wednesday always is now. The usual early morning solo/piano/recorder practises and school reading plus dance club at school, straight to swimming lesson. Just for this week it was meant to be her piano lesson but I was grateful in the end that it got cancelled.

She loved dance again. She said she worked on her own for the "choreograph your own dance" bit and did lots of really high leaps. And that just for dance they are allowed to cartwheel in the library! She said dance was the best bit of the day.

I had to have words with school today. The year 1 "transition" (read "the period where teachers ignore parents/the child/last years teachers and undo carefully constructed plans from last year") isn't going so smoothly. Not what she needs in the middle of an already stressful time!

Katie said she had enjoyed calculations today. She said "I had a number and 27 and I added them together... I started it yesterday but someone rubbed it out so I had to start again today and got it right!. It was a big number!"

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