
For once I was a couple of minutes early getting to the station for my train into work. Adama here was just leaving as I arrived. The morning light was glorious and her skin was positively glowing in response. In these situations I don't find myself thinking any more. She was flattered by the attention I gave her and was happy to have me take her picture.

I was just positioning her when this big black guy appeared from behind. "Hey, what you doin' taking a photograph of ma woman?' His tone wasn't overly aggressive but it wasn't altogether friendly either. I explained a little about my project, rather rushed as I was aware of the seconds ticking away before my train left. I had a meeting I couldn't be late for. He became interested in the possibility of making a bit of money. 'This is a business transaction man.' All I could think of doing was laughing. I told him it was just a little hobby of mine, and making light of the whole thing just took my picture and ran, literally just boarding before the doors closed. He had no chance to pursue me! And I had rather enjoyed myself. It only mattered that my model was happy. I'm sure she'd be pleased to have her beauty acknowledged here.

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