
By pensionspoet

Cake eating for a good cause

Blip has gone funny on me, and all connections via wifi to us in our Norfolk village are not playing ball. So fingers crossed this records my day!

Along with many others across the country, my colleagues clubbed together to raise money for Macmillan, paying for the privilege to 'dress down' drink tea & eat cake! And what a lot of amazing cakes there were. My slightly burnt white chocolate brownies even went. Great what people are prepared to suffer for charity!

While I was at work eating cake, Henry took part in a 10 mile sponsored walk. His feet were sore by the end, and we established that perhaps his walking boots are a little small. He went to bed quite early!

I had a busy day, especially as I was trying to get as up to date as possible with my work. I'm not in the office now until next Friday.

Home at about 6 to a full house. Off to Morrisons to try to do a cheaper shop. It still isn't happening! I wish we had an Aldi.

Finished off my holly earrings which had been sadly neglected this week. They are ok, but not great.

Tomorrow I have to get ready for my week away. Work, not play.

Now bed!

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