Rocky Creek Lilies

Travelling North  is a famous Australian play and movie, written by David Williamson and that is what I did this week. I took the day-long XPT service north to the NSW regional city of Lismore - near where I was to visit one of my oldest friends, Steve. He and his lovely wife, Julia, I had not actually seen in some years.

Steve is a hobby farmer, koala forest grower (more about that later) librarian, adjunct university professor, wine drinker and photographer.  With his latter skills in mind, we were always destined to get along famously for this visit.

Aaanyway even though I used to live up this way (30 odd years ago), much about the district seemed to have changed and (as I later discovered) there were many places in the region I had never actually taken the trouble to visit in past times.

The image above and the accompanying extras were taken during a visit to Lismore's Rocky Creek Dam, nestled in the beautiful back hills, repleat with gorgeous gardens and a truly wonderful rainforest stroll.

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