here and yesterday's picture I liked and was liked. I enjoyed the stars and the hearts and the often witty comments too. Thank you, dear blipfriends.

I had heard the rain fall last night and I was glad to find the sun shining in the morning of course. So much prettier this way to walk through the garden and discover what had changed after two weeks of absence. Later I heard from the neightbours that there had been very much wet weather and that had caused a lot of growing everywhere. I loved to see the wilderness of all kinds of flowers, not much damage done by snails, but I had to wait for the birds to return. I know they will come and find the seeds I usually have for them.
Mischa and I walked down to the bakery and round the harbour. The swan's nest was empty and the pair was swimming in the Weser and no babies to be seen.
Not a happy ending but at least she was free of nailed down on false eggs.
My picture shows the petals of the New Dawn rose on the ground, a sea of it, I marvel at.

My haiku:

I smell the petals
Of the roses I cover
Myself in perhaps

And the proverb:

Riches come better after poverty than poverty after riches.

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