
By miel

Palazzo Medici

The de' Medici clan was the most powerful and wealthiest familiy in Florentine history. Their might started with Cosimo il Vecchio (the elder) around 1400, who acquired political power, was banished, but returned to become 'father of the fatherland' and de facto head of the city. His children continued this and his grandson Lorenzo il Magnifico (second half 15th century) was the next remarkable figure; being a well known patron of the arts (Michelangelo, Leonardo, Botticelli) and guiding Florence in it's Golden Age. Then the Medici's popularity declined.
In 1512 they were put into power again, but because it was by the French and not because of their own talents or skill this was different from before. Now they became hereditary (Grand) Dukes which meant the end of Florence as a proud republic. The personification of this period is Cosimo I, duke around 1550. The Medici's moved from the Palazzo Vecchio (city hall) to a large palace just outside the centre and became in fact absolute rulers. The last Medici duke died in 1737 without offspring.

This palazzo (which doesn't translate to palace, more to mansion) was started in 1444. The design, with it's three stories, rustica or rough facades but elegant courtyard, was of course widely imitated by the other patrician families.

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