A Tale Of Six Samaritans

Sorry but there are some things that block a challenge and today I encountered six. ! Not things , but amazing people who came to lend a hand and , make this Monday a memorable day in so many ways .Having travelled by train Manchester to Penkridge  I decided to cycle back to Stafford along the towpath , see something of Stafford then travel back to Manchester with the train .The weather was glorious. It never happened since my bike got a back wheel puncture.
Eventually I met these young men( 1 and 2 ). They were amazing and had a go at doing a temporary fix .For a while all seemed fine but no luck .They didn't abandon me but insisted on helping me all the way to Penkridge Station.They pushed my bike, saw me on to the platform , would accept no reward and waved goodbye. Eventually the train came. I got on and a man rushed to try and keep the doors open (see number 3 ) .He had noted a black rucksack where I had been waiting on the platform. Yes , mine and left .He called his wife who went from the carpark and found it . Penkridge is unmanned . At Stafford the man from Virgin Trains ( see number 4 ) co-ordinated and it was arranged that my bike etc be locked in their staff room and I travel back to meet the man's wife ( see number 5) who had my bag . The Virgin coordinator saw me on to  the train .Six minutes later in Penkridge I met Denise number 5. She told me how she had done the  same herself and walked me back to the other side Again no reward would be accepted . Once again at Stafford I met with Virgin Staff and having got all my belongs , said my thanks and caught the train to Manchester . Down to Deansgate where a super bike shop fixed it even though it meant they worked extra . How often the media bangs on about people ,lack of service and especially younger ones not being helpful or concerned . I had the privilege of meeting up with so much humanity today . For the media this is not news .What a sad  group they are and how they must miss the real joys of life .

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