On Some Days

By V1k1

All Things Pass Away . . .

We have had the most amazing day.  I didn't expect to have better views than we have already had but I was wrong.  Today we drove the San Jaun Skyway from Durango to Silverton.  It is described as one of the most scenic drives in America.  We passed Engineer Mt named by the survey engineers when they climbed it to establish a survey point in 1873.  We crossed Coal Bank Pass and Molas Pass to arrive at Silverton which is itself surrounded by 13,000ft peaks.  The day was warm, clear and calm.  When we stopped at the frequent turnouts to admire take 147 images I was almost over come with the beauty and majesty of the environment. 
The main shot is from the Hillside Cemetery.  From 1870 the prospectors came to this place to dig for wealth in the hope of building  a better life for themselves.  They came from everywhere and of course many died here.
The aspens are reclaiming this site as they are slowly covering over the mountains of tailings left behind along the valley.  The extras are shaft cans that had to be filled by shoveling rock and then hauled to the surface.  One of the steam trains that brings in the tourists was being cleaned before it's next trip.  A replica gravestone that I liked.  In those short sentences he sounds like he contributed to his community.

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