Santa Claus is Early This Year

Last rainy season saw a waterfall inside our fireplace insert, water cascading into the firebox so heavily that it began to run out the front of the unit onto the hearth. I had to mop up sooty water several times last winter, and we didn't even have that much rain. It was time to get a new chimney cap, and that's what's going on up there. The guy is installing some foolproof stainless steel gizmo to keep things dry during the upcoming hopefully very rainy winter. He must have run up and down that ladder at least two dozen times, and that thing has quite a bounce to it. And no, it is emphatically not Mr S up there!

And speaking of Mr S, he made a video of yesterday's steamroller event which I linked to my journal (with his permission of course!). If it wasn't there when you saw yesterday's post, go back and check it out. He really captured the flavor of the event.

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