6.45 am ... Misty Sunrise

19.5C with lots of sunny sunshine. Light breeze.

Apothecary7's day off, and an early start this morning as it was service and MOT day for my car at the Citroen dealer's in Dundee. Once my car was checked in we went to Broughty Ferry in Apothecary7's car. We had the second half of our breakfast in Caffe Nero, popped across to the Oxfam shop where I found they had a book I was looking for, then got some Groceries in M&S.

We then took the car and parked it by the harbour, and took one of Apothecary7's paintings to Eduardo Alessandro Studios to arrange framing. Then we went back to the car, got Maeve the Deerhound, and had a walk round Broughty Ferry. Along the river front and back through the town.

When we got back home we decided it was such a nice day we would have a short walk before lunch so went up by the church, down the field with the bridle path, along the cycle path, and back up the road to the shore. It has been such a lovely warm day with a very light most pleasant breeze.

We went back to collect the car late in the afternoon.
My car passed its MOT ... but needs some things done.
Hopefully that should all be sorted out on Tuesday of next week.

DMC-LX7 f/2.8 1/200 sec. ISO-80 8mm (35mm focal length 40mm)

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