Magic Moments

I had a brief encounter today with 4 hummingbirds.  I went out into the back yard looking for something tiny to shoot and suddenly they were there flying around me and the feeders.  At times I thought I would have to duck, they came so close.  I was delighted and mesmerized, but not so much that I didn’t have the sense to start shooting. I haven't seen many of late so this was totally unexpected. 

I know I have posted a fair number of these shots this year, but I can't help myself. They will be leaving in a very short time so I must make the best of it.  

This shot is at 130 mm and is only slightly cropped.  I have included a second shot in the extras that is uncropped so you can see how close I was.  The light wasn't very good so I had to use high ISO, but nevertheless  it was pure magic. 

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