It's been wet today

Although not the unrelenting rain that was threatened. One or two dry spells between the showers, and even a bit of sunshine. Some distant thunder but not the spectacular lightning I've seen pictures of from elsewhere. Two email rejections in swift succession today were a bit depressing. One, a small (and not particularly well-paid, but hey, better than nothing) job in the Fringe and the other a short photographer-in-residence post linked to academic research into genomics. Don't know how many people applied for the second, but there were almost forty in for the first, but didn't even make the shortlist of five. So my would-be photographer career is hardly thriving at the minute. I need to re-double my efforts. It is the task of finding work that seems to be the most difficult bit of the job of being a freelancer, in any field. And if Blipfoto shows anything, everyone seems to have a camera these days and is capable of taking great pictures. Is there even a job to be had out there? Well, obviously there is, as some people seem to be making a living at it, including people I studied with and, more depressingly, people in the year after me at college. Just not me. I need to re-invent myself a little. Find some new products and markets. Watch this space.

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