The First Frost

Dear Diary,

We had a light frost last night.  Not a real killing frost but some plants succumbed.  Not these tough little sedum though.  I love their delicate pink and white flowers.  It seems to hint at spring although that is just a memory now.  So is summer.  I will begin cutting back the garden on Thursday.  A sure sign that it is time to hang up the hoe and take down the rake!

It is supposed to be in the mid-60's F today so I am off to the fair.  I haven't been in a few years and I'm looking forward to it.  It is a beautiful fairgrounds with a nice museum and old school house to explore as well as all the displays and animals.

I am making slow progress on "winterizing" the house.  The generator was tuned up yesterday but there is so much left to do.  I will take today off, however, and enjoy the fair.  We "seniors" have free admission on Tuesdays!  Have to take advantage of that!

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