
By Maisiebeth

Spirit of the Dance

Sorry, I am photographing Barbies again! She's a lot more patient than the kids and prettier than the cat.

Had a poorly Maisie today, nothing too serious just a horrible cold, so we stayed in, so blipportunities a tad limited.

Thought I would have a go at Tiny Tuesday, so got out one of the nicer Barbies, Spirit of the Dance, Tango (she's porcelain so that makes it even more grown-up!) and did a close up of her eyes and headdress. 

Thought I would take the full shot for the extra, but when I played around, I loved the shadow and felt it was almost the literal representation of the Spirit of the Dance, so she is the main and the close-up is relegated to extra.

I need to invest in some sort of portable backdrop studio as this was done on a box, in front of black card taped to light fittings, which probably isn't ideal. Any suggestions welcome.

Thank you all for your hearts and stars for my early morning Mere photo, got to the top of page 3 of Popular, which is thrilling!

Dramatic and Dangerous Places to Photograph for the Terminally Unfit and Navigationally Challenged

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