Pink dream

Dream? No, not this flower, although it's very pretty. But imagine that this morning while in that state where you do know the alarm will go off anytime I was dreaming about capturing something pink today. Now I'm certainly a little obsessed by photography but when it starts to interfere with my dreams it's getting serious ! So, I'm not going to agonise any further about what to Blip today, I took the first pink picture that looked okayish today. It happens to be one of the nerine lilies (they're family of amaryllis, I learned  that while looking them up, as I had never seen them before, another bouquet from the supermarket!) They have this bright shocking pink colour. Of course then I couldn't resist playing a bit more with PS Elements and this time I've used a fading edges frame and a plain other frame.
Please remember to visit the Breast Cancer Site and click on the pink bar to help fund free mammograms for those who can't afford them.

Thanks so much for doing that and for your comments and stars for yesterday's pink bowl :-)

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