Keeping their heads above water

I spent the morning doing housework, and washing the clothes. *yawn*  This afternoon we went to Porthcawl, because J wanted to get some elastic, for his motorcycle googles.  We didn't see any drapers shops the whole time we were in Whitby, and Bridgend doesn't have one either. It  was one of those old fashioned shops, that you could spend ages just browsing. That was enough shopping for J, so we then drove up to Rest Bay, for me to get my blip. Visibility was very poor, but I got out to take a few shots. An elderly gentleman said, There are over a hundred surfers in the water, the most I have ever seen. I really can't see the fascination, and there didn't seem to be much wave action.  J was starting to get twitchy ,as he wanted to get back to watch the kick off of the Welsh v Australia match . We are going to have finger food , as we don't want to miss the game. For starters we are having runny scotch eggs, and then the  pizza for our mains. I don't like eating food in front of the television, but today is an exception. Let the game begin.

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