Little Free Libraries

Dropped into Tribe this afternoon to get a few photographs of the Little Free Library volunteers - using bits of reclaimed wood to build mini-libraries that will be located in Porty and elsewhere nearby. C from The Edinburgh Tool Library brought tools and expertise to lead the volunteers who came up with their own designs for a number of different mini-libraries. Here is L with her mini-library.

Earlier Soc Cafe discussed "What are the Big Questions?" and "Are Quotas For Women a Good Idea?". Both provoked lively discussions. For me, the first one made me think that they don't get much bigger than "Given that we are a social species, how do we organise ourselves into groups?" and for the second, the ends justify the slightly imperfect means. After all, the fact that there are currently still more male MPs in the House of Commons today than the total of all female MPs ever shows that things have a way to go.

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