Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK


How can a 5 year old resist throwing fall leaves?    H picked up Fiona today and the blocks were all out by the time I got home from my book club…. Then she wanted to go to the park.…hard to beat that on such a beautiful day.   So much energy after all day in kindergarten!  

The book discussed was Zeitoun, by Dave Eggers, a successful, philanthropic author and publisher with many awards…  It’s a non fiction account about one small part of what happened in New Orleans right after the 2005 hurricane Katrina.   The instant lawlessness was appalling…and scary.  the government failed.    Zeitown was a successful Syrian painter/contractor who stayed in town, helping rescue people and dogs and then was arrested and put in prison for no reason other than he “must be a terrorist”, after all he’s muslim.   It seemed a good story about a decent guy with 4 kids and a white muslim wife, until I started reading about him..he has since been arrested (and acquitted) for planning to murder his wife (now ex) whom he has a history of abusing ….and other arrests for breaking a restraining order,  So we were left with many questions. ….   

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