a pinhole sky explodes out

By blazar


sick, nasty grime in the pan in my sink. that's all I could come up with today.

I should have taken my camera to the doctor's office. I spent 2 hours there this morning getting tested for mono (negative) and strep (also negative) and I could have taken some sweet blood test pictures or pictures of the view from the office or anything, really. I didn't take my camera, though. Oops.

Besides that it was a pretty typical Tuesday, which includes writing an article for news writing class, sitting through marketing class, going to speech class, coming back for a few minutes, eating dinner (leftover arbee's), going to class AGAIN (management), coming home, watching House, and listening to music. It was really busy but it's astounding how little work I actually did.

Luckily, tomorrow I have a full evening open. I'm looking forward to spending it in the library and getting stuff done.. marketing test thursday, pleasure reading (Vonnegut) and perhaps a walk through the stacks to see if I stumble upon something interesting in German or English. I'm hoping I feel as productive tomorrow as I feel I should.

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