horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Bass-ic Instinct

Just as well I finished the replacement roof for the back section of the chicken run in the time I thought it would take... The roof has bugged me from day one of it being completed, as the sheets I was able to get were a smidge too short, so I had to bodge an extension, and basically a bit of rain would always get through, wetting the back foot or so of the run. So today the three metre sheets were attached to the top of the car, then attached to the denuded runframe. And then the heavens opened. Big style. With hail.

Good news is, the roof stood up a lot lot better. So tomorrow, finally, I'll have some guttering on, running into a water butt. And on Friday Mel and her dad should be making a wee trip to Midlothian for a couple of chooks to augment our mini-flock back up to 4. A day pretty much to plan.

Headed out after to pick up a few more DIY provisions, and measure up the guttering to see what I needed, but extended that out to East Lothian, where the Bass Rock found itself in a sunbeam, and the gannet swarm above it beautifully on show. I wasn't the only person stopped taking a photo either. All reminded me of the landing trip we had there (at the fourth attempt) - honestly one of the best days of my life.

And now? Brownies are in the oven, the England game starts soon (popped into the supermarket earlier. Italy shirt on someone wandering the aisles. Scottish name on the back. I do wonder if Scots fans spend the most money than other nationalities, on average, on national jerseys other than their own? I DID see a Ukrainian jersey last week), and... oh... work in the morning. Boo!

Drookit Bee (the almost blip)
New roof
Wet Rose
Hail on Chooks (this is the front portion of the chicken run, the rear is about twice as big - handy having the separate bits to introduce new chickens, necessitated by the purchase of Skye and Ruby and bad reaction of the now departed Miss Hennypenny and Margot).

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