
By Jamjar

I spent some time at the local climbing wall, deciding that I really, definitely need to go there more than once a week, and then left, sat in the car for a minute... before going back in to see if they still ran the ladies coaching sessions on a Tuesday evening.  Unfortunately they don't, but I had an interesting chat with the bloke on the desk about what exercise I did, what I wanted to do, did I have a climbing partner and a recommendation of a local climbing club.

Then my plan was to drive to a Derbyshire destination without the aid of either the satnav or Google maps, have a cuppa and get myself home without coming back through town.  The photo was taken shortly before I stopped at The Nags Head in Hulland Ward for the toilet and that cup of tea.

It is totally ridiculous that I don't know my way about, it's my backyard and I need to learn how it's laid out.  The thing is, that although I've lived in the East Midlands for more than forty years, for a lot of that time I didn't own a car, and I've only been going into the Peak District on a regular basis since February of this year.  Using technology instead of proper maps is not helpful because it means that I don't take notice of landmarks and so haven't a clue.  This will change! 

Anyone want a TomTom?

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