My Office For Two Weeks

Actually, I've been driving around in this office for one week already, so the header should read "My Office For One More Week" ...
It can get a bit confusing though ... I actually work for "Arrowsmith Commercial Laundries", but occasionally I drive for the dry cleaning dept. known as "Arrowsmith Clothes Care" which includes "Burtols Clothes Care" (hence the signage on the van) ...
When I'm on my normal round (ie: "Arrowsmith Commercial Laundries") I generally drive around in a van that reads "Cobo Laundry" on the side ... :o/
(And even I don't understand why a van dedicated to the dry cleaning dept. should include clothes hanging from a washing line as part of the vehicles artwork) ... (but it does look quite - errm - 'colourful') ... :o)
BTW ... It was actually my intention to take a picture of the van this morning using the sunrise as a backdrop ... but as there was no sign of the sun until after it was too late, I took this shot instead ... :o)

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