
By samsticks

Digital Show

Gina had to go to placement this morning, so we had an early breakfast at Short Round, then Miles and I stopped into the drum shop (I needed some new mallets...), then we hung around the park for a while.

During Miles' nap, I set off into town to go to the Digital Show, a big camera gear exhibition. No huge news from my end, but I did have some good chats with exhibitors and confirmed that I'd be able to use some radio triggers with my EM-1.

I took this shot as I left - the sun was streaming in and making some good shadows.

Then tonight, the Howlin' 45s did a pretty good job of our two-setter at the Union. We had a reasonable turn out for a new band, and people came in and stayed to the end, so it can't have been that bad! We have another in a couple of weeks, already looking forward to it!

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