After The Storm

This is the last image to catch up with my blipping. Do go back and look at yesterdays sunrise. Very stormy night. Wind rain and thunder but then came a beautiful clear day. We were there to sew so the weather really did not matter except it is nice to pack up camp in the sunshine which we did. Travelled home late this afternoon and washing all out and in again before dark. Great win to the All Blacks this morning which we listened to on the radio while we sewed. That was novel as in this day and age we are so used to seeing everything visually. There was a great commentator with a great turn of phrase and you could see it in your mind very clearly.
So home after three great days away  and will look to catching up on some commenting in the morning. Right now I am off to bed. Back as I meant to say this is straight out of the camera. Not one alteration except to resize

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