Nanou in Anjou

By nanou

Day four:

The bride's being taken to the house of her spouse through the village of Douz. She'll be seated in a palanquin on a camel, followed by the family and the whole village and accompanied with traditional Berber music. Then a procession of horse riders and camel drivers at full gallop will ensue. (see extras)

At this point of my report, a few explanations are needed:
Marguerite's not exactly what you'd call a submissive soul. We, her parents are well placed to know that :-) She's accepted all the traditions to please her in-laws on one condition only, that she would be kept informed about the meaning of every moment happening.
For example, in the first place she refused to be seated in the palanquin (she'd rather ride the horse her husb had bought for her (!). But the family  found that too subversive and she complied for the sake of the show.
Nevertheless, she insisted that the palanquin would be open whereas traditionally, the bride's hidden!!
 As for alcohol, bottles and beers were taken out once the practicing muslim people had gone to bed. The others were happy to join the party.

Please see the explanatory extra pics.

Thank you everybody for your kind comments on my anniversary  blip yesterday. For some strange reason (I'm not complaining, I'm just puzzled), despite the number of hearts you gave me, it never appeared on any of the popular pages (nor did my other blips a few days ago).
Which makes me wonder, is there a pilot in the boat still or am I plague-stricken? :-)

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