Lali's World

By Lali

The gang

These are some of my friends posing for my camera after we'd been to an Italian restaurant for dinner.

We were watching the rugby before that. My friends had been in the pub since 1pm to see both the Ireland-Argentina and Scotland-Australia games. I had a few things to do, so I arrived just after the first part of the Scotland-Australia game. Interesting because amogst us there was an Irish guy and an Australian guy. The Australian guy was the only happy one in the end... I felt sorry for Scotland because they were winning and then, at the very last minute, just because of a stupid penalty, they ended up losing by just the one point. Anyway...

After the pub, we went to the Italian restaurant. It was a bit of a farewell party as well, as the Australian guy is going to Barcelona for good to live with his girlfriend and the Irish guy is going back to Ireland.

I took other photos today but this one is the one that describes better the highlight of my day. Always good to see friends.

Back to work tomorrow..

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments, stars and hearts. I hope you all had a good weekend! :)

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