Crazy About Birds

By Kimb


So I had taken exactly ONE photograph today. All day. Took it early in the morning, shortly after 8AM and lacking any further enthusiasm I figured it would be my blip. It was a rather nice photo of a pretty female Northern Cardinal. Nothing unusual, certainly, but good enough.

And then at about 5:30 - as I was looking at all your blips and commenting and getting ready to blip my Cardinal and call it a day - I happened to get up from my perch in front of my laptop and stroll into the dining room where the door with the big window in it is. I stood there for a moment gazing at the Titmice and Chickadees and Cardinals helping themselves to the bird seed on the two big rock benches out front. I mulled over the need to put out bird feeders soon, assuming I can count on the bears having retired for the Winter. I glanced over to the right, under the big maple tree, expecting to see more birds... and did a major double take.

Fortunately, my camera was right there on the little table by the door where I keep it so it's handy. I took some not very good shots - too much angle thru the glass - and then sort of wiggled the door handle because I didn't want the dogs to get wind of the situation and go racing outside, so I figured I'd scare him away. This picture was snapped as he trotted down the driveway and stopped to look back at me - straight on thru the glass makes for a much clear shot. 

Meanwhile, thank you - every single one of you - for visiting my one year blip yesterday and burying it in hearts! You are all very kind. I don't think the photo itself deserved all that much hoopla, but its being a solid year was probably occasion enough for stars and hearts! I'm looking forward to many more days/months/years of happy blipping with all of you as friends. [And however it got there, it's really quite a thrill to find one of one's blips on the first popular page!!!]

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