
By snailspace

Running Dog

Heap big fun in garden. Running Dog fly like wind.

Indian Summer all but gone now, thought we'd take advantage of the weak rays to help illuminate some action shots.

We're getting better. Good enough -  but not yet reached the WOW stage. Next stop: the beach and some big splashy puddles

Spinning Gill helped me out with today's shots (your Blip journal well overdue, dear) and I have suggested that we try this out with her dog, Tan.

The Met Office have escalated our forecast, with a Yellow Warning in place and gusts estimated to reach 68 mph on Thursday. The rain figures are also increasing. I have all my valuables out of the caravan. Who knows, I may get some spinning done! Wind speeds are set to increase from 9pm tonight, peak on Thursday and stay brisk until at least Saturday night. Hope the power stays on.

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