Short Back and Sides

Mr isbi figured he would be about due for a haircut by the time we reached New York and wondered where he would find a barber.
He needn't have worried. We are at 518 and between our tiny entrance and number 520 is a barber's shop.
In fact I have never seen such a concentration of barber's poles. There must be at least one on every street and they seem to work at least 12 hour days.
No appointment or waiting either. He was straight into the chair for a very thorough clip.

Today's activities included a bus tour into Brooklyn and a very interesting visit to the boutique Gangster Museum just around the corner. We were the only people there for about an hour and a half and got a comprehensive guide by the enthusiastic young man.
It is in a building used as an illegal speakeasy during the prohibition with secret rooms and escape tunnels. The whole history of the people involved is fascinating and I asked if they are making it into a movie. The owner (and son of one of the characters involved) is researching it and writing a book so there just may be one some day.

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