
By angellightphoto

another orchid and only a common one today

...with a dry and bright day, we were able to stick to the plan by going for a circular walk from Corfe Castle. This is a lovely outing that takes in a whole range of natural habitats. The outward leg follows the line of the West Hill and Knowle Hill ridge on its northern side and is mostly oak woodland but also includes some excellent ponds and scrub heathland. The recent wet weather has churned the bridleway into a sticky morass but the swathes of Common Spotted Orchids Dactylorhiza fuchsii in every glade made the squelching well worth while. I didn't spot the bonus insect at the time of capturing this image and, unfortunately, it is not within the DoF for an id.

The return is made by climbing onto the ridge near East Creech and strolling along the beautiful calcareous grassland crest of Knowle Hill and West Hill. The views are fabulous in every direction and the meadows are usually full of butterflies but this year's never ending wind was keeping all but the most determined bees from flying.

Throughout our walk we were accompanied by the sound of machine gun and heavy artillery fire that was coming from the Lulworth ranges. It never ceases to amuse us that you can set your watch by the army's tea and lunch breaks...

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